律师发了2份文件,一份是contract, 另一份是authority to exchange contract。都要签名。
我的理解是签了contract,合同就生效了。那为什么还要give the authority to solicitor to exchange contract呢?打电话问了律师半个小时了,还是没搞清楚,律师只是说不签这个authority to exchange contract就不能move forward。
我问律师什么是authority to exchange contracts, 律师这样回复:
The authority to exchange is 1 letter that you need to sign that gives us the authority to move forward and exchange contracts with the developers solicitors on this purchase, this s legally binding contract and once contracts have been exchanged you will be tied into this purchase. We will not sign any contracts on your behalf.
律师这里说不会sign any contracts on my behalf。但在authority to exchange contracts里面有这么一句:If you are emailing back the signed contract, do you authorise one of our directors to sign the original on your behalf? 是不是如果我是亲自签名并邮寄回contract而不是email back,我就不用签这个authority授权书了?
实在搞不清为什么要sign这个authority to exchange contracts? 请大家帮忙解解惑。
或者有没有在什么条件下,是不需要sign这个authority to exchange contracts,这样从另一个侧面也比较好理解。