
Are you sure you could “凑够五年能申请永居”?

The requirements for “凑够五年能申请永居” is that you have LEGALLY stayed in the UK for 5 years as a Tier-2 visa holder.

Your current leave is expired, and you are not staying in the UK legally at the moment.


further notice应该指的是curtailment,也就是缩短你现有的签证有效期,一般在这个notice决定之后的60天。在这期间或之前你能提交新申请通过就没问题。

试试再次email大老板,只要陈述事实,不要评论, 看看对方态度。



It is totally wrong to believe “只有overstay超过28天才是非法”

It is not legal to overstay even 1 day.

It is just that there is normally no automatic refusal for overstay under 28 days. Otherwise, if you overstay over 28 days, there will be an automatic refusal for whatever visa you apply next time within the ban period.

You are currently lawfully in the UK until at least 2 May 2016. The Home Office grants an extension of your lawful status during any period whereby you could bring Administrative Review and during any time that an Administrative Review is pending.

If you lodge your own Administrative Review application, this would extend your stay during the time that the Administrative Review applicationis pending.

If you wish to remain in the UK as a Tier2 (General) migrant you will have to make a fresh Tier2 (General) application within 28 days of becoming an overstayer.

a) If you do not lodge the Administrative Review then the 28 day period would be calcuated from 2 May 2016.
b) If you do lodge an Administrative Review application, the 28 day period would run fromthe date at which the decision is regards to the Administrative Review is finally determined and the decision served on you.

所以如果我在overstay 28天之内再次递交T2申请的话,即使能够成功,我的两个T2会不会也被认为不是连续的?因为有overstay 的历史,所以到2018年底也满足不了五年T2换永居的条件?此外如果我在overstay 28天内再次递交T2申请的话需不需要新的雅思成绩?

It will only be deemed as continuous if the result of Administrative Review is in your favor.

Otherwise, if the result of Administrative Review is in the favor of UKVI, your leave in UK is not continuous, and in fact it is only valid until the expiry date of your current leave.

非常感谢你的回复,所以即使最好的情况,我在overstay 28天之内递交申请而且能成功,那也要从那时候起再等五年才有资格申请永居,考虑到T2最多六年,之后必须有一年的cooling off period,所以我顶多过3年半还是必须离境.这样的话除非这次上诉能成功,只要失败,将来我想通过五年T2换永居就完全不可能了。

While, it is not “完全不可能”

You know, the immigration law might change in the future – it might change to something in your favor… who knows
It might even be possible that the visa case worker won’t notice your gap when you apply indefinite leave to remain in the future…

The world is amazing, and everything could happen, so try to be optimistic…

I see, uncertainties lies everywhere and makes the world more interesting, no matter positive or negative.

So maybe the best choice is to go back home within the 28 days of overstay and return with a new T2 visa valid for 6 years.

BTW, to make a fresh Tier2 application I will need to use a new IELTs test result because the language qualification proved in prevous T2 visa has become invalid, right?

No no no, you didn’t get my point. I’m not trying to convince you how amazing or uncertain the world is.

Instead, I’m just trying to explain what “try to be optimistic” means…

同事当时 申请的是post-doc, 第一次被拒,回国,重新申请再回来。


楼主把标题改的好可怕啊 -“血案”。其实最坏的打算也不过就是离开英国而以。英国有这么好吗?政府对移民卡的这么严,签证费这么贵,还要给律师交钱。我以前有个同事永久合同,当年签5年工签的,还干了快4年了(还有一年就拿永居),可她没有任何留念地辞职去了美国的一个高校。退一步海阔天空。

我几年前有过和你一样的经历, T2续签, 由于工资没有达到code 要求, 结果被拒了。我选择的是找律师上诉。用的办法是老板及时把工资给补上达到code 要求, 上交了两份statements, 我的那份写我在英国学习工作生活多年并且有家庭, 已经在这里有稳定的生活。老板那份写我在公司工作多年, 而且申请时我们不知道code 的要求, 知道后, 及时改正把钱都给我补回来了。上诉的时候, 老板也去了支持我。结果是上诉赢了。


你说的很对,其实也不是啥大事,所以我赶紧又把标题换了。 主要是这事实在是太烦人,彻底没希望也就算了,这种两边角力但是就是不给一个明确的说法,然后我夹在中间又无能为力,只能干耗着,感觉巨不爽。

上诉的时候还要去法庭?不是在网上递交一下Administration Review就可以了么?


现在好像没有appeal了,只有administration review,估摸home office在法庭吃够苦头了,所以把这条路绝了。