Solved already! 紧急求助用过NCS的朋友们:Life in U.K. for 入籍申请

去年11月拿到PR,也没仔细研究入籍申请,但我真的真的不记得UKBA返回的Pack里有Life in U.K. pass Certificate,因为那时心里还画个问号: 申请入籍时怎么办?也许UKBA已有我申请PR时所有材料的纪录了?如实在找不到,现在联系当初的case worker是不是太晚?:cn03: 真不知那时在想什么。:cn14:

现在一切文件都在London,我在另一个城市,1月初定了London Council NCS。想问下用过NCS的朋友们: 如在Appointment中忘记了什么文件,之后是否还有机会补上,无需再make another appointment?不然就要赶紧change appointment date了.

请懂的expert尽快回复,不胜感激!Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

估计你再考一次Life in the UK会比让HO帮你找回遗失的pass通知书要快一些.


Just called NCS office, it’s feasible I don’t need to retake the test, if UKBA didn’t return the certificate. I will have a look tomorrow. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Haha! Found it today! Forget and forgive silly me! :cn15: Happy New Year! Everyone~~~