申请sponsorship licence


公司目前没有sponsorship licence, 但是愿意帮我申请,不过很多申请工作需要我来负责,所以上来问问头绪。

我们公司属于private limited organisation。主要涉及travel,holiday等方面。

现在online application已经搞定了。接下来需要提交支持的文件。但我现在的问题是对于需要提交的文件不大确定。 想向大家求助?
目前我这有4个文件不知道够不够,Audited Annual Accounts;HMRC Reg - VAT;Corporate/Business Bank Statement;HMRC Reg-PAYE Ref No

Audited Annual Accounts=company 年结
;HMRC Reg - VAT=letter from HMRC about your company reg vat
;Corporate/Business Bank Statement= company bank statement
;HMRC Reg-PAYE Ref No=letter Paye from HMRC .

forget to tell u , all document much be original , if not will get fault

LZ我在一家英国移民公司工作,主要就是做公司客户,可以帮助申请Sponsor licence, assign CoS, apply Tier 2的。如果需要pm我





不过现在公司的licence 因为已经准备得差不多了就打算自己咬咬牙把它搞定。

但能否咨询下,以上提到的4个文件 足够申请licence了吗?

你们公司应该是group 5吧?list B上是主要基本材料,c是辅助材料。4份文件就可以了,你说的那4个在这个上面就是没问题的




u need to get something to prove it , like bankstatement need the bank manager sign and stamapp in to prove it , i done my in 2010, do it by my self , is not hard to apply , once u apply , the homeoffice people will visit your company and will talk to your manager for any other people holding visa for company and salary paid. and the key autorise is very important , once u give the name on the licence, the home office will only talk the him or her .
hope that help u


within 2month,apply 2week and the immigration come interview ,after wait 3 week,then grand a B licence ,need to upgrade to A grand,pay 600 for they come again.about 2 month total

借楼主的的楼问一下,sponsor licence下来之后对申请cos的数量是否有限制?能否同时雇佣2-3人?assign cos 成功几率有多大?

申请COS的数量是没有限制的,只有到真正assign cos的时候需要给ho支付费用。另外如果你申请的cos你没有用掉,之后ho有可能就不会让你申请那么多
