Spouse visa 后拿到永居直接入籍???

想問一下,我會在今年九月申請配偶的PR. 之後want to 直接入籍.
但我之後是London學生簽證. But I don’t have the london’s address prove.

Me and my husband stay at Edinburgh. I only got the last 3 year’s Edinburgh’s address prove. Would that be OK???


no idea what u talking about.

yes . I did stay here more than 3 years. Do I have to prove all those 3 years I stay with my husband??

1- 在英国居住三年

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Thanks a lo !!! Will check it later ~!!!

什么意思啊!我现在是持spouse visa,9月12号申请pr,之前我是学生,我是07年8月份来英国,09年10月1号拿spouse visa,都没有回国过,那我也可以直接申请入籍吗,前提是我如果这次顺利pass pr,不过什么是直接申请啊?不明白??


I’m having interview on 12 September at Glasgow. Hope eveything will turn out OK !!! Will let you know how 's things going. How about you??? When you will get your PR??

What I know is when you get your PR through Spouse Visa . After you get your PR. You’ve been stay at UK total more than 3 years.
You don’t have to wait another year to 入籍. You can do it straight away.




Yeah.That’s true. Forget to mention about it !!

Good luck to you. I’ll go there with my husband. Isn’t that you must go with him??? I’ll let you know how things going on. So excited. Yeah !!!

Thanx! 恩!我会和老公一起去的!有什么状况什么消息的到时候和你详谈!我现在的护照和警察局注册信昨天刚寄去警察局,因为我之前spouse visa没有去报道,有些人说要,有些说不要,保险起见,我就寄信去,叫他们帮我盖章,希望这周五之前会寄回给我!千万别丢了!真是一波三折啊!愿主保佑我!阿门!

Good luck then.


Me 2 !!!
