入籍和state pension 问题

如果入籍后,回国工作生活。将来退休是否也能拿英国的state pension?


不可以 要交够一定数额





这不是福利 怎么是白得 也是要交钱 才能让你老有所依阿

你父母在国内不拿养老金吗 如果不拿 就说明你们家就是真的有钱 如果拿也没什么阿 只能说明你一直都是工薪阶层阿

state pension是根据你交了多少年的NI来算的,你如果交够了就可以拿,没有交够的他就只给你部分。你到政府网站看看就有很多information了,肯定有答案的

根据我记忆,你退休时交够了30年的NI就可以拿全额state pension,但如果只交了部分,比如说你只交了10年,他就给你10/30的,只交了2年,他就给你2/30的。例如state pension到你退休时候一个月500,你只交了2年的NI,他就给你500x(2/30)一个月。你如果长期在国内工作的话,肯定在英国交不满那么多年NI的,应该它是根据你交了多少NI来算,而不是你是不是英国公民。就算你没有入籍,而是PR(或许其他种类的合法签证也可以,这我不确定),只要交足了NI也可以拿全额的state pension的。



Will you get a basic State Pension?
You can get a basic State Pension by building up enough qualifying years before State Pension age.

A qualifying year is a tax year where one of the following applies:

•you have sufficient income to pay NICs
•you are treated as having paid NICs
•you are credited with enough NICs

In 2010-11, you need to have £5,044 or more of such earnings if you are an employee or £5,075 or more if you are self-employed.

You can get an idea of how many qualifying years you have and what this means for you by using the State Pension profiler. This simple tool helps you estimate quickly how much basic State Pension you may have built up to date and when you can claim it. It will also help you see how you are affected by recent changes to the State Pension.

How many qualifying years do you need?
The number of qualifying years you need for a full basic State Pension depends on your age and whether you are a man or a woman.

Men born before 6 April 1945 usually need 44 qualifying years.
Women born before 6 April 1950 usually need 39 qualifying years.
Men born on or after 6 April 1945 need 30 qualifying years.
Women born on or after 6 April 1950 need 30 qualifying years.

To find out more about the State Pension, you can download the leaflet ‘State Pensions – Your guide’.
