请问,在北爱尔兰购买房产时有survey公司做不了building survey


我打算在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特购买一套房产,这套房产是1960年代造的。和贷款中介推荐的survey公司联系,一开始就打算让他们做building survey,survey公司给我报价,一种是homebuyer survey,另外一种是building survey。我感觉这套房产建造时间有点长,所以想做一个building survey。building survey的钱已经付了,但是奇怪的是survey公司发信过来说他们一开始弄错了,他们在这块区域只能做homebuyer survey。做不了building survey。下面是信的原文:

Your survey request has been escalated to me as the team were struggling to find availability for your building survey. Unfortunately, you have been quoted in error by one of our newer members of the team as we are unable to provide a building survey service in this area. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.

One of our in house surveyors has reviewed the property and advised a Homebuyer survey would be suited to the property type and age. If this is something of interest to you, we can refund the difference and get this completed ASAP. If you wish to cancel the service altogether, please let me know and I will arrange a full refund for you


2.如果再找其他的building survey是不是也不能做,因为他们提到:“we are unable to provide a building survey service in this area”
3.Homebuyer survey能不能检查出房产有没有沉降,倾斜之类的大问题。

