T1(E) 20W全在一个team成员银行里怎么出银行信?

我没有20w,但我的team member英国银行有20w。以下是我的理解,请帮忙看看:cn09:

成员1(有20w)需准备:1. bank statement 2. 银行开的证明信(其中说明成员1和成员2能够使用fund)
成员2(没有20w)需准备:1.Third party证明信(与以上第2点的证明信相同) 2. legal representative的见证信

我的理解正确吗?legal representative应该找谁?有哪些律师推荐的呢?

以下是我(成员2)根据UKBA提供的template草拟的third party证明信,不知行不行?


For the attention of the UK Border Agency

In regards to the application of Name of 成员2 for Entrepreneur status in the United Kingdom:

I have the consent of 成员2 to share these findings with the Agency. I will confirm the contents of this letter to the Agency at their request.

成员2 and 成员1 has £ 200,000 available for investment in the United Kingdom on deposit with this financial institution.

On this date 15 Mar 2013

The applicant has agreed to form an entrepreneurial team with 成员1 and has the following amount of money IN THEIR OWN NAMES available for investment in a business in the United Kingdom

Money Available to the Applicants is Freely Disposable to the UK upon a formal request from the applicants.



因为我们不是joint account, 有200k的成员应该不会被拒吧?(钱无论如何都是他的)
问题是他的钱对于我来说算third party fund吗?
他会写封信说明钱给我俩用的,这样需要legal representative的公证吗?

他的钱对于你来说是third party fund。
third party fund需要third party declare that fund can be used by you and with a legal representative confirm letter.