T1 E的问题 CT41G 表怎么得到?

然后等好久都没等来这个表,打电话问了下,说是会自动给我寄,但是超过3个星期了,于是给我补寄,结果又等了一个星期,收到封信,可是只是告诉你new company下面要做什么什么的,我觉得我都做了。



公司开始 trading 才需要登记注册 corporation tax,如果纯粹注册了公司,还没有开始营业,没有业务进出,是不需要注册的。为什么来不及?难道你已经要准备续签了?

话说,你是打电话给谁去问的?要打应该打给 HMRC。如果新公司刚在 Companies House 注册成立,那么一两个月后再收到HMRC的来信及 CT41G 的表格也不奇怪。

可是不注册这个就能拿到CT41G表咩。。反正已经注册了= =

你是哪种 T1E? 50k? 200k? 首签?续签?哪里说 CT41G 表需要有日期?

T1E 5W首签,签证指南22页,注册成direct栏第3条a项

如果我没有搞错的话那里是续签的要求。首签的 Attributes table 在第7页,具体的要求你需要看的是第10-11页。只要在申请递交日之前三个月内出具 Companies House 你注册成公司 Director 的信息就好。

Section d: Leave as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant and access to £50,000
48. You must be applying from within the UK and have last been granted leave as a Tier 1 (Post-
Study Work) migrant. You will not be asked to provide documentary evidence of this; we will
use your travel document or passport and our records.
49. You must also have £50,000 of your own money available to make a fresh investment into
business in the UK, and be established in business in the UK as a self-employed person or as
a director.
i. Applying for leave to remain
You must be in the UK and be applying to switch to Tier 1 (Entrepreneur). You may not
use section d (see the attributes table for initial applications) if you are applying for Entry
Clearance or Leave to Enter.
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Policy Guidance version 04/2013 Page 11 of 53
ii. Last granted leave as Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant
You must have last had leave as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant.
iii. Registered with HM Revenue and Customs as self-employed; or registered as a
You must have been registered as self-employed or a director of a business within the
last 3 months before submitting your application as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur). If you were
registered earlier than this you will still need to provide evidence that you were registered in
this period.
iv. In an occupation skilled to graduate level
Other than the work necessary to administer the business, your main business activity must
be working skilled to National Qualifications Framework 4 or above. We will not take into
account the tasks involved with the running of the business for this assessment.
For example
• If the business is software sales and your main activity is developing software, you may
qualify for points;
• If the business is a taxi firm, the main occupation is driving a taxi and you will not score
points even though you manage the business. Your main activity is providing a taxi
service which is not skilled to graduate level.
Guidance on what is work skilled to National Qualification Framework 4 or above, as stated
in the Codes of Practice for Tier 2 Sponsors published by the UK Border Agency is found on
our website at: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/employersandsponsors/
pointsbasedsystem/cop-skilled-workers.pdf and in Appendix J of the Immigration Rules.
v. Access to £50,000
You must also have at least £50,000 to invest in UK business. You must supply
documentary evidence of the funds as specified in the Immigration Rules and in the
‘Documents we require’ section below

不好意思,说错了,应该是21页。。是Evidence that it is a UK business里的,好像没写是给续签用的。。?谢谢你额!这么耐心地回答我弱智的问题。。

目录里是Documents We Require大栏里的


至于那个 CT41G,需要有你公司自己的 corporation tax 注册号,有那个号码,就应该可以。没有太严格的注册日期的要求。唯一的要求是你注册 Director 的文件,必须是在申请签证日前三个月之内开出的。

如果你认为要这个 CT41G 的话,那你还得同时准备公司的银行账户账单和公司现在的 current appointments report。这三个文件都是证明你开的公司是在英国的的需要文件。主要是续签时候的用处。



注册公司成为公司的 director 都是 companies house 的事情。HMRC 是税务方面的,比如注册 corporation tax, PAYE 之类。



你理解错了。那个仍然是companies house 的文件,需要在申请前三个月内是一个公司的director,并且文件出具的日期得在三个月之内。如果更早的话,那得去companies house 网站重新下载 current appointments report来证明仍然是director



有两种,一种是你说的那个文件,另外一种就是叫 Current Appointments Report. 首页有 Companies House 的标识,还有

Current Appointments Report for:
(Company Name)
(Company Number)

Created: (date and time)




不好意思,说错了,应该是21页。。是Evidence that it is a UK business里的,好像没写是给续签用的。。?谢谢你额!这么耐心地回答我弱智的问题。。