
想问下 现在学生签证可以在英国申请t1(e)吗?在ukba官网上发现英国境内转t1(e)的名单里有学生签证。所以想确认下
If you already have permission to stay in the UK under any of the following categories, you can apply to Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) from inside the UK:

Tier 1 (General);
Tier 1 (Investor);
Tier 1 (Post-study work);
Tier 1 (Graduate entrepreneur);
business person;
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme;
student nurse;
student re-sitting an examination;
student writing up a thesis;
work permit holder;
postgraduate doctor or dentist;
self-employed lawyer;
writer, composer or artist;
International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme;
Tier 2;
Tier 4; or
prospective entrepreneur.

Home Office的网页上的内容并不是跟所有政策同步更新。请以最新版Guidance或immigration rules为准。

The following categories can only apply if you have access to at least £50,000:

Tier 4;
student nurse;
student writing up a thesis;
student re-sitting an examination; or
postgraduate doctor or dentist.

Please see the Requirements for students page for further information.

If you are in a different immigration category, you will need to leave the UK and make your Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) application from outside the UK.

22.If you are in the UK with permission to stay as:
• a Tier 4 migrant; • a Student; • a Student re-sitting an examination;
• • •
• • •
• •
• • •
you are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one immigration category to another) only if you have specific types of funding. You must have access to £50,000 or more from:
i) one or more registered venture capital firms regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA);
ii) one or more UK entrepreneurial seed funding competitions which is listed as endorsed on the UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) website; or
iii) one or more UK Government Departments or Devolved Government Departments in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which is made available by the Department(s) for the specific purpose of establishing or expanding a UK business.
(This is also referred to as a section b funding in this document.) Students without this type of funding are not permitted to switch into the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category in the UK.




@johhn 意思是T4转和PSW的限制条件一样么? 达到条件也是可以在境内转?我糊涂了,4楼最方便的方法也是存款五万不是么?

这么说吧,t1 e的资金要求有3种,a,200k的自己存款,b,来自规定正规投资机构的50k风险投资基金,c,50k的自己存款。
对于t4来说,改革前的t1 e可以选择a或者b,可以境内也可以境外转;改革后想在境内转就只能是b,没有能耐弄不来b但自己家里不差钱,ok,请回国用200k转,并且面对更多的审查。




境内t4转t1 e的条件就是4楼的,否则就要回国转。psw可以不满足4楼的条件,也可以用50k自己存款转,因为是特殊情况。