关于T1 ENTREPRENEUR 能否在英续签的问题

我现在拿的是学生签。今年也就毕业了。因为家里本身就是做贸易的。所以想续签那个企业家移民的签证。。打电话给中国的中介。。中介都说得回国续说是最近的新政策。。。但我打电话给老外的律师以及在home office的官网上看是可以的。。。。跪求大神能解答。


f you already have permission to stay in the UK under any of the following categories, you can apply to Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) from inside the UK:

Tier 1 (General);
Tier 1 (Investor);
Tier 1 (Post-study work);
Tier 1 (Graduate entrepreneur);
business person;
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme;
student nurse;
student re-sitting an examination;
student writing up a thesis;
work permit holder;
postgraduate doctor or dentist;
self-employed lawyer;
writer, composer or artist;
International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme;
Tier 2;
Tier 4; or
prospective entrepreneur.


明显你不是看最新的Policy Guidance。请留意原文红字。

Eligibility to apply in the UK
21. You are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one
immigration category to another) if you are here with permission to stay as:
• a highly skilled migrant; • a Tier 1 (General) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)
• a Businessperson; • an Innovator;
• a Work Permit holder; • a Writer, Composer or Artist;
• a Self employed Lawyer; • a participant in the International
Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the
Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
• an Investor; • a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in
Scotland Scheme;
• a Tier 2 migrant; • a Prospective Entrepreneur.

  1. If you are in the UK with permission to stay as:
    • a Tier 4 migrant; • a Student nurse;
    • a Student; • a Student writing up a thesis;
    • a Student re-sitting an examination; • a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist;
    you are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one immigration
    category to another) only if you have specific types of funding. You must have access to
    £50,000 or more from:
    i) one or more registered venture capital firms regulated by the Financial Services
    ii) one or more UK entrepreneurial seed funding competitions which is listed as endorsed
    on the UK Trade & Investment website; or
    iii) one or more UK Government Departments or Devolved Government Departments in
    Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which is made available by the Department(s) for the
    specific purpose of establishing or expanding a UK business.
    (This is also referred to as a section b funding in this document.) Students without this type of
    funding are not permitted to switch into the Entrepreneur category in the UK.




为什么我觉得student还是可以在英国switch to t1(e)?

你提供的这个信息不是标明“Additional requirement for students with financial sponsorship
Can you apply?

This page describes the additional requirement that you may need to meet when you make an initial application under Tier 1 (Entrepreneur), if you have recently been receiving financial sponsorship as a student in the UK.

You can make an initial application in the UK (including switching) under the Tier 1 (Enterpreneur) category if you are in the UK with permission to stay as a:

Tier 4 migrant;
student nurse;
student writing up a thesis;
student re-sitting an examination; or
postgraduate doctor or dentist.

You must have access to £50,000 or more from one or more:

registered venture capital firm regulated by the Financial Services Authority;
UK entrepreneurial seed funding competition (endorsed by UK Trade & Investment); or
UK government departments or devolved government departments in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which are for the specific purpose of establishing or expanding a UK business.

Your financial sponsor must give their unconditional consent for you to re-enter or remain in the UK. If they do not give unconditional consent, or give their consent for a limited time, we will refuse your application.

The consent must be given in writing, on the organisation’s official letter-headed paper or stationery. It must bear the organisation’s official stamp, and must have been issued by an authorised official of the organisation.

You must meet this additional requirement if a government or an international scholarship agency has given you financial sponsorship, which has wholly covered your course fees and living costs, to study in the UK during the past 12 months:

under Tier 4 (General) of the points-based system; or
as a student, student nurse, student re-sitting an examination, student writing up a thesis, postgraduate doctor or dentist, an overseas qualified nurse or midwife or a student sabbatical officer.

You do not need to provide your financial sponsor’s consent if you have received private financial sponsorship during your studies (from an employer or a relative, for example).

从这个看如果楼主不是拿financial sponsorship 是不是就不用回国申请呀?求解疑~~


You must have access to £50,000 or more from one or more:

registered venture capital firm regulated by the Financial Services Authority;
UK entrepreneurial seed funding competition (endorsed by UK Trade & Investment); or
UK government departments or devolved government departments in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which are for the specific purpose of establishing or expanding a UK business.





英国移民政策再度调整,Tier 1企业家移民语言要求从C1降到B1(雅思4分);Tier 4学生签证持有者自2012年12月13日起不得在英国境内递交Tier 1企业家移民申请,必须在所属国递交,除非申请人已获5万镑投资支持(投资方为英国政府认可机构)。PSW持有者仍可在英国境内递交


  1. 通过我们办理,取得头三年签证的过程中,您的20万英镑只需存在您名下的国内账户即可,资金动用完全透明,您不用为您资产的流向担忧
  2. 您不需要有任何商业投资或管理经验,我们拥有强大投资合伙人,并且有专业团队负责打理投资,经营公司,雇佣员工,还有专业会计师团队为您整理账务,缴纳税款,绝对不让投资者蒙受损失
  3. 五年签证审核期满,您的20万英镑我们全额退还,保证您的资金不会浪费
  4. 本公司旗下拥有Home Office官方合作专业律师团,囊括52名资深英国本地律师,是公司与客户强大的法律支持
  5. 本公司选择HSBC汇丰银行作为官方合作伙伴,为您的投资保驾护航
  6. 如果您没有英国本科以上学位,并且语言又未达到要求,我们也可以助您获得语言成绩


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