T1 entrepreneur 换永居需要提供中国的无犯罪记录证明吗?

大家好,我最近要申请T1 entrepreneur 永居,但是看到15号新出的guide上说要提供12个月以上的无犯罪记录证明,这个是要提供英国的还是中国的呢? 有人说无犯罪记录证明只是首签需要,也不知道是不是真的。


If you are applying for entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant or as an adult dependant (over 18 years old) of the main applicant in this route, you must provide an overseas criminal record certificate for any country you have been present in continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more, in the 10 years prior to your application.

这个是guide上的原话,是不是申请入境签证(entry clearance)才需要提供? 永居是Leave to Remain吧? 不好意思一直搞不太明白


An applicant for an entry clearance must be outside the United Kingdom and Islands at the time of the application.

Indefinite leave to remain (ILR) or permanent residency (PR) is an immigration status granted to a person who does not hold the right of abode in the United Kingdom (UK), but who has been admitted to the UK without any time limit on his or her stay and who is free to take up employment or study, without restriction.

谢谢回答,那就是说我就不用提供这个无犯罪记录证明了是吧? 因为我一直是在英国境内的

您的情况是Tier 1 ENT 在英国境内申请永居Indefinite Leave to Remain,不需要提供。

好的 谢了

您需要确保没有任何犯罪记录或者Traffic Offence(如没买保险,无照驾驶等),因为在英国申请,移民局能查的到。

谢谢 英国这边我没有任何犯罪记录
