Evidence of graduate level occupation
114. You should use this for your initial application under section d (see the attributes table for
initial applicants).
115. You must show that you have been working in an occupation which appears on the list of
occupations skilled to National Qualifications Framework level 4 or above, as stated in the
Codes of Practice on our website. “Working” in this context means that the core service your
business provides to its customers or clients involves the business delivering a service in an
occupation at this level. It excludes any work involved in administration, marketing or website
functions for the business
我不是很理解这个WORKING的意思, 这个是你个人在公司里面的任职不能是行政,市场,网络,还是说你公司核心业务不能是行政市场网络,我认识1个公司做网站的也拿到签证呢