T1E home office visit questions

T1E续签刚面谈完,给大家个福利,问题基本都包括在以下,只要认真准备,不会有什么问题。面谈大概50个问题,持续时间2-3小时。你谈的简单就时间短,你自己谈的多就时间长。home offcie的雇员没有一点为难你或者故意跟你过不去的意思,只是问问题,她/他记录你的回答。9月份开始,面试不再是去面试中心,而是到你的办公地点来跟你面对面面谈。

  1. Date of arrival in UK
  2. Type of initial entry visa
  3. University/college attended (try and have the certificate/transcriptions read)
  4. If applied for PSW than what work you did during PSW
  5. Why did you start the business?
  6. What previous experience do you have in the business you started?
  7. Did you conduct any due diligence?
  8. Why did you start a limited company (if company)
  9. Why is your home office your business address (if you work from home)
  10. If you have an office than the office must be able to accommodate the number of employees you have.
  11. You must abide by health and safety by laws.
  12. If your employees work from home/clients premises than how do you keep an eye on their work or communicate with them?
  13. How many clients do you have?
  14. Contracts with the clients
  15. Invoices that were issued to the clients and possibly the proof of payment via business bank statement
  16. More information about clients i.e. where is their business based, how do you contact them, if you have ever been to their office/premises, how does it look like etc.
  17. How do you advertise your business with proof?
  18. How do you advertise for recruitment with proof?
  19. Did you know the employees who work for you before they started the employment for your company?
  20. Employee documentation including p45’s, passports, proof of addresses, contract of employment, payslips, RTI submissions etc.
  21. What was your last 3 years turnover with proof
  22. What was your last 3 years profits with proof
  23. How much tax did you pay in the last 3 years with proof
  24. Accountants detail
  25. How did you gather the investment that you used to apply for the visa?
  26. Proof that you invested the funds and either used them for business purposes or still possess them in the business bank account
  27. If the investment has already been used than what has this been invested in?
  28. Insurance documents
  29. Proof of salary paid

Document checklist

  1. Client contracts
  2. advertisement material
  3. Business and personal bank statements (at least 3 months)
  4. Employment documents
  5. Last 3 years accounts or since you started trading
  6. Corporation Tax return and payment confirmation to HMRC
  7. FPS documents
  8. Insurance documents
  9. Health and safety certificate
  10. Business premises tenancy agreement
  11. Invoices issued to clients (at least in the last 3 months)
  12. Director Loan agreement
  13. Copy of application form submitted

Trick Questions

  1. How do you keep track of employees when they work from home?
  2. How do you contact employees when they are away from the office?
  3. How do you travel from your office to the clients premises?
  4. If you work from home, how does your clients meet you?
  5. If you work from home, does your landlord know that you conduct business from home?
  6. If you work from home, have you informed council as you may have to pay business rates?
  7. Your employee appears to live quite far from your office - why did they choose to travel so far?
  8. Why don’t you have a landline?

这个问题不是我自己整理的,也是在英文移民论坛上copy来的,我面谈就是根据这个准备的。我的面谈基本就是这些问题再加上两个home offcie根据我的case另外提出的两个问题,都是很简单的需要澄清的问题。所以这些问题就是他们的标准问题,可能对每个人都是一样的。






真是越来越严拉, 之前基本都不用面试的 {:5_129:}



被面谈的几率是多大呢? 不知道我们只有虚拟办公室的怎么办




请问大家一般在签证过期先申请续签呢?什么是bank signatory? UK bank statement 可以吗?

