

主要疑惑就是T1G的门槛比较高,现在WP全职一份工肯定不足以显示那么多收入,但公司有条件可以给工签,HO会疑惑薪水问题么?这样的路径可以在成功续签3年后以满5年的工签期限为由申请PR吗??:polite: 非常感谢答疑!!

This 5-year continuous period can include any time that you have spent in the following immigration categories before you applied under Tier 2:

member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
qualifying work permit holder
sole representative of an overseas business
representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
any Tier 1 category, except Tier 1 (Post study work)
highly skilled migrant

Also, the sponsor that gave you the certificate of sponsorship for your current job must:

certify in writing that they still need you in the job; and
confirm that you are paid at or above the appropriate rate for the job as stated in the codes of practice for Tier 2 sponsors.