紧急求助 T2 COS里的姓和名位置颠倒 需要withdrawal吗

RT 好不容易到公司把license办下来了 今天assgin cos的时候 不小心把我的family name和given name弄颠倒了 最后在sponsor note里添加了备注 想问下 这个会影响到我的签证吗? 我看policy guide里写到:

You can use the ‘sponsor note’ field to amend minor errors identified after a CoS has been created. Examples of acceptable amendments are:
• corrections to a mistyped name or date of birth;
• A change to the start date for the job.

If you have made a significant error, you must cancel the CoS and assign a new one if needed. For example;
• the SOC code is incorrect;
• you have assigned it under the wrong tier or category;
If you have given incorrect details for more than one of the following;
• the migrant’s nationality;
• the migrant’s date of birth;
• the migrant’s surname.

我想问下 姓名颠倒 算不算major error, 麻烦有经验的朋友解答 万分感谢


要withdraw,重新出COS,因为这是key information. 我只前问过UKBA,他们这么说的。

跟我去年的情况是一样的,我的也是姓和名字顺序颠倒了,然后公司在sponsor note里面加了备注,我就是那这个CoS去面签的。如果有时间的话还是让公司重新申请一个吧,来不及的话,就拿着这个去申请签证,看签证官心情了

当然withdrawal咯 这是对你身份认证的错误啊