和老公一起申请,他是t2,我是dependant, 网上填完表格后出来一个document checklist,在document for dependant,其中一个是
Evidence of relationship (evidence of address of this dependant). Please submit two of the following documents.
Bank statements* YesNo
Credit card statement* YesNo
Driving licence* YesNo
NHS registration document* YesNo
Letter from this dependant’s current school, college or university confirming this dependant’s address* YesNo
所有的材料都必须是dated within 31 days before submission。
我准备提供前两种,但是credit card statement只有online的,现在order paper的恐怕要等到下一个月了,而且这个bank也没有branch可以盖章的。 home office会accept online statement for credit card bill 吗?
P.S. 上次在英国申的dependant没有要求这些啊,就提交了结婚证,gas bill等,这是啥时候的规定啊。。。