求教:T2 Dependent 转 T2 General 需要回国吗

如题。我在UKBA的网站上找不到T2 Dependent 转 T2 General 的信息…
请问有没有过来人知道,T2 Dependent想转成T2可以在英国直接转么?还是需要回国重新申请?

Can you switch into Tier 2 (General)?

If you currently have permission to stay in the UK under any of the following immigration categories, you can apply to Tier 2 (General) from inside the UK:

any Tier 1 category
Tier 2 (Sportsperson)
Tier 2 (Minister of religion)
Tier 2 (Intra company transfer: established staff), if you are applying to switch sponsor
Tier 2 (Intra company transfer) under the Immigration Rules n place before 6 April 2010, if you are applying to change sponsor
any Tier 4 category
Tier 5 (Temporary worker - creative and sporting), for a job as a professional footballer - but you must meet the Tier 2 requirements, including English language
dependent partner of a Tier 4 migrant
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme)
Business and Commercial work permits (except multiple entry work permits)
Sports and Entertainment work permits (except multiple entry work permits)
Jewish agency employee
Member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
overseas qualified nurse or midwife
person writing up a thesis
postgraduate doctor or dentist
representative of an overseas business
representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
student re-sitting an examination
student nurse
student union sabbatical officer

If you are not in any of these categories, you must leave the UK and make your Tier 2 (General) application from abroad.

dependent的话,除非是t4的dependent,否则lz作为t2 dependent则需要回国申请。

谢谢回复。那Dependent visa是不是还继续有效呢?还是说只要申请了T2,如果被拒签了,我就不能用原来的T2 dependent进入英国了?


我是说t2 g被拒但t2 dependent还继续有效,因为后一个成功取得的visa会自动取代前一个visa,但除非有特殊说明,即使新的visa申请不成功,旧的visa只要没过期就继续有效,所以每个人只有一个有效的visa,目前唯一知道的灰色地带是eea 2似乎可以某种程度上和某些签证共存。

明白了!谢谢!!:slight_smile: 这下放心多了。。。