T2 dependent 转 T2 general

你好,请问你们有遇到T2 dependant 转 T2 general的情况吗?这种情况下对工作的年薪有所要求吗?

T2 general是什么要求就是什么 不管哪个category 转来的

T2 dependent 转 T2 general 能在英国境内转吗?还是必须得回国?







T2 general是什么要求就是什么 不管哪个category 转来的

为什么要转呢?到时候一起跟partner永居比自己走t2 g要快啊。。。而且dependent也没有离境的限制



你别误导他,他是T2 dependent,不是T4 dependent,哪条说他不需要离境了?

You can also switch to a Tier 2 (General) visa if you’re:

a dependent partner of someone with a Tier 4 visa
a Jewish agency employee
operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
a minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
an overseas qualified nurse or midwife
writing up a thesis
a postgraduate doctor or dentist
a representative of an overseas business
a representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
a student union sabbatical officer
You must leave the UK and make your Tier 2 (General) application from abroad if you’re not in any of these categories.


谢谢你的回复呀,那两人都在英国的情况下她也要先回中国申请吗?我老婆是在英国念书从t4转成我的T2 dependant的,也就是说即使人在英国要转成T2 general还是要回国啊。。?

没有说Tier 2 dependent 不属于tier 2 吧。上边没有写tier 2 dependent啊

您好,Tier2dep 签证不能在英国转Tier 2 。要回国申请。按照工签要求申请

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