T2 Gen Sponsorship Licence

Small Company (<20)

Agency hired

Documents totally OK & Online Application made on 04/07/2013

So I suppose the agency posted all documents on 05/07/2013 or 08/07/2013

Agency notified the approval on 23/07/2013 (also saw company name listed as a sponsor)

Licence approved on 19/07/2013 (Date in the letter from UKBA)

It’s surprisingly quick. Maybe useful for some mates here.

Which agency do you use? if possible, please PM.

谢谢分享 和我现在的情况很相关 非常有用!


Which agency you were using? Many thanks.

I used DWI (dearson winyard international). there is a chinese girl using apple id ‘Wholemilk’… you can ask her first.

Thank you :slight_smile: