T2 General 续签- 工资要求


我现有T2 General时长仅有9个月,当初由Tier 4 转成 Tier 2 General,申请时以New entrants作为工资标准,本人已过25岁。

现雇主想继续雇用我2年,所以我想续签我的签证,请问是否继续适用New entrants的工资标准?


截图是我在 “Codes of Practice for Skilled Workers” 文件中找到的相关信息,文中说明对原本作为New entrants,但续签时总签证时常超过3年一个月的申请者需要以Experienced的标准。
那么我的签证总时长不超过3年一个月,是否就可以继续已New entrants作为标准?


我的理解只要你续签,就是算experienced worker了。。new entrant只是能理解为fresh graduate,你既然有工作经验了,就不算fresh graduate了

这句话三年一个月是依附在work permit holder上的条件。只要你续签,应该就可以了。


the “new entrant” rate will only apply if:
(i) the applicant:
(1) is applying as a Tier 2 (General) Migrant and scores points from the Post-Study Work provisions of Appendix A,
(2) is applying as a Tier 2 (General) Migrant and scores points from the Resident Labour Market Test provisions of Appendix A, on the basis that his Sponsor has carried out a university milkround,
(3) is applying as a Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) Migrant in the Graduate Trainee sub-category, or
(4) was under the age of 26 on the date the application was made;
(ii) the applicant is applying for entry clearance or leave to remain (not for indefinite leave to remain); and
(iii) the applicant is not applying for a grant of leave that would extend his total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a Work Permit Holder beyond 3 years and 1 month.
