请问一下TIER 2 VISA 换工作的问题。 假如4月16给的NOTICE, 1个月NOTICE PERIOD, END OF EMPLOYMENT 是5月16日。
UKBA 以下这段话就是说第一个EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 结束时间和第二个工作VISA 拿到时间 (假设是面签 当天拿签证)之间可以有60天GAP 对吗?
- 如果我在5月16日之前出国旅游是没问题的吧? 入境什么的也不会有影响对吧? 因为只是给公司辞职了, 但是公司还没有NOTIFY HOME OFFICE
- 如果5月16日 之后出境呢? 会有问题吗?(新签证新公司在打广告中, 但是还没递签)
- 第二个TIER 2 签证是不是要在7月14号之前递签? 只要赶上这个进度, 申请5年永居就没有gap?
"Holidays taken on the conclusion of employment
Where an applicant’s continuous residence period includes time spent as a Tier 2
migrant or a work permit holder, annual leave can include a short holiday taken on
conclusion of employment, if the applicant made an immigration application to work
for a new employer within 60 days of the conclusion of the previous employment. "
"60 day breaks in employment
Where the applicant has a break in employment and applies for further leave as a
Tier 2 migrant or a work permit holder to work for a new sponsor or on a new work
permit within 60 days of the end of the employment with the previous sponsor or
permitted employer, you must disregard this period for ILR.
Also, where the applicant has made a successful application to switch into a Tier 1
category during the 60 day period, for the purpose of calculating the permitted
absences the applicant will be considered to have been a Tier 1 migrant from the
date of that application. For the purpose of paragraph 245AAA (b) the applicant will
have had Tier 1 leave from that date. "