请教 T2 转 PR Set (O)表格问题

Set(O) 表格 (07/2018 version), Section 12, p69 页bottom

请问下, 红框内是要求提供什么document?



1- This question would only apply if your ILR residence period is made up of LTR under more than one qualifying immigration category. For example Tier1 + Tier2. If not it would be N/A.

2- It’s their usual approach. which is to make the forms as non user friendly as possible! If for example you were combining time spent as a Tier 1 General migrant and a Tier 2 migrant to make up the 5 year period, you would need to show that you met the requirements of the immigration rules whilst you were a Tier 1 migrant. In your situation, because you have spent all 5 years as a Tier 2 migrant, this doesn’t apply to you. Best wishes with the ILR application.

感觉不用 tick 不知道对不对。


如果你五年全部是T2那感觉似乎是不用。。虽然我也是五年T2 但保险起见我把这之前T4的签证复印件附上了




楼主签了吗? 这个问题是怎么处理的?我是T2 五年,以前只是有2次到英国的商务签证,也遇到这个问题。 网上搜了一下其他的帖子,似乎说不用管。感觉不踏实,还想再核对一下。 谢谢。

我T2 之前是T4,我提交的是T4的学生签证复印件,原件在护照上,仅供参考。
