目前工作合同快到期,T2也快到期,新的雇主已经找到,已经做完了market test 正准备给我issue COS, 我自己上网准备申请。但是看到官网关于T2的申请就蒙了。
https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general/apply 这里进去,有两个选项一个是在英国之外申请,一个是在英国境内。英国境内申请,的话只有两个选项一个是Extend 一个是Switch. 我显然不是Switch因为都是Tier 2 general 不是从其他类型签证转过来。
点进Extend 一看 就蒙了,必须是同一个雇主,同样的工作。不然就不能extend
You must have current permission to enter or stay on a Tier 2 (General) visa.
You must also meet the following conditions:
you have the same job as when you were issued your previous permission to enter or stay in the UK
you’re still working for the employer who assigned your certificate of sponsorship
you’re still earning an ‘appropriate salary’ - read the guidance if you’re not sure