T2换雇主续T2是不是必须按experienced worker工资标准算?

下个月申请T4转T2,但是新T2跟着合同有效期走,只到16年1月,到时候想跳槽但是困惑最低工资限制。看到网上有人说T2未满三年可以不按experienced work标准来?!但是HO文件是这么写的:


The new entrant thresholds apply to:
 Graduates switching into Tier 2 (General) under the post-study provisions;
 Graduate recruits where you have used a university “milkround” to satisfy the Resident Labour
Market Test;
 Graduates sponsored in the Intra-Company Transfer Graduate Trainee route; and
 Any workers making an initial application who are aged 25 or under on the date they apply.

The pay thresholds for experienced workers are set at the 25th percentile for full-time employees in each
occupation, using the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). These pay thresholds apply to all
other Tier 2 applicants, including those who were previously classed as new entrants when they apply to
extend their total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a work permit holder beyond 3 years and 1 month (the
maximum grant for initial Tier 2 applications)
. The experienced worker pay thresholds also apply to
work permit holders who are applying to switch into Tier 2 or to settle in the UK.

按我理解,我现在T4转T2是算new entrant的,但是到16年1月,虽然距现在T2工作才1年半不到,如果跳槽换雇主续T2应该算experienced worker?

tieba baidu com / p / 2273948695
前略… “new entrant”只需年薪达到28000英镑,而“experienced worker”需达到44200英镑。所以续签的人到时候一定要赶到第一个三年的签证到期前递交,则可以继续适用低标准。

power apple tie id 2538823



嗯,大龄男青年一只。我现在在学校搞科研,合同到期留任还可以,即使是experienced worker貌似也才25k,但是跳到工业界相应的职位起码要35K,本来就业就难,在加工资限制就更难了……

请教一下,年龄低于25岁就可以超过三年也按照new entry来算吗?

