想请问一下,自己目前是Tier 2,之前公司人事推荐并给我加入了tax free childcare的计划,目前为止孩子2岁,已经使用了这个计划差不多一年半,今天突然在政府网站上看到说如果签证上写了no access to public fund的话是不能申请tax free childcare的,好慌张不知道该怎么办。请问大家有没有经验分享,如果确实无法加入计划,那已经tax free的这部分会不会之后影响申请永居?有什么解决方式吗?谢谢!
A parent who is subject to immigration control, and has no recourse to public funds, is unable to open a Tax-Free Childcare account. If you have a partner who is not subject to immigration control they may be able to open an account that you can pay into.