T2 的新政策的疑问

我是2011年2月拿到T2 GENERAL 的签证的,明年2月要续签,我看新政策说EXPERIENCED 的工程师要27900 年薪。

是说我明年续签的时候工资一定要高于27900 吗,还是我是2011 年4月16 号之前签的,不受这个限制呢?


刚才仔细看了一下新CODE 答案应该是: 是的!
The pay thresholds for experienced workers are set at the 25
percentile for full-time employees in each
occupation, using the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). These pay thresholds apply to all
other Tier 2 applicants, including those who were previously classed as new entrants when they apply to
extend their total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a work permit holder beyond 3 years and 1 month (the
maximum grant for initial Tier 2 applications). The experienced worker pay thresholds also apply to
work permit holders who are applying to switch into Tier 2 or to settle in the UK


HOME OFFICE 好阴险啊,只有3年不到的工作经验的工程师很少拿这个数的吧。