第二天中介就给我电话,惊喜的告诉我说我impress了人家,人家愿意帮我办签证了!还说不是很多公司愿意办签证的,她第一次遇到blabla,我的心终于放下了,然后就是各种郁闷等签证的事情,做什么market test啦,第一次不成功重新做一次啦什么的,终于在等了两个多月以后今天收到帮忙办签证的公司的来信,说签证拿到,到2016年九月份。事情终于告一段落,证明不是大型投行,不是金融,还是有可能拿到工签的!
From: Settlement Ops Policy Mailbox
UK Border Agency
27 March 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information about a shortfall in leave towards the end of the continuous period for ILR. Your request has been treated as a routine enquiry, rather than under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as it the sort of request that we regularly deal with as part of our normal business.
We are unable to offer advice on individual cases, but can confirm that where an applicant has had a shortfall in their leave up to the end of the continuous period for ILR, it is not always necessary for applicants in such circumstances to make an application for a further extension of leave, as applicants can submit an application for settlement in the 28 days before the end of the qualifying period. They must not apply earlier than 28 days before the end of the qualifying period, and provided that they still have extant leave on the date of application, the shortfall will not be a consideration. Please see below example which may help to explain:
Mr A granted initial leave from 23/03/2009 to 23/03/2011
granted FLR at a PEO from 03/03/2011 to 03/03/2014 = 20 day shortfall up to end of 5 year continuous period
Mr A would be able to apply for ILR would between 24/02/14 and 03/03/14, as this is within 28 days of the end of the continuous period, and he would still have 8 days extant leave.
I trust this is helpful
Settlement operational policy