T2 遇到问题 求助

这家公司是英国本土的大型企业,具有sponsor的资格。我9月硕士毕业。我从10月开始接触这家公司,投放简历后他们问我要了我的VISA信息,我回给他们,然后之后通过了电面以及现场的面试和计算机能力考核。 面试结束后第二天人力资源部通知我表现非常出色,接下来就是VISA的事情了,他们希望我越快上班越好。
结果一周后 人力资源部又告诉我,他们的移民部门(immigration department)说 他们无法给我VISA 因为他们不能够说明这个职位只能由我来完成而不是其他EU的学生。


T4 student visa to T2 doesnt have to do the market test. Very simple: 1. company to buy a CoS if they have a sponsorship license; 2. to give you appropriate salary and title (must be level 6 see: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/employersandsponsors/pointsbasedsystem/cop-skilled-workers.pdf); 3. to assign the CoS to you; 4. you apply for the visa

talk to an agency and let him explain everything to your manager, not the HR. I work for a small company who doesnt have the sponsorship license, and I assisted my director to apply for the license first. license is definitely the most complex part…


your company has to apply for a CoS first, assign to you afterwards. both can be done within one day… even not necessary to hire an agency. you be in charge of your side. not complicated at all.

你的职位需要是硕士以上的学历才能做的, 你的HR说的没错, 打个很简单的比方说, 要是你申请reception的工作, 拿着这个去签证, 你是百分百不可能签到的.

我是硕士学历 然后职位是市场调研专员

我不知道你的具体工作能评分多少, 你可以自己去查查, 你这种要求NQF6以上, 但是那是个笼统的概念, 你试试看能不能说服HR吧.