
最近公司的律师开始帮我办TIER 2 续签,有几个疑问麻烦达人帮忙解答一下:

1 律师说“COS can be issued promptly once your sponsor approves it.” 请问一般需要几天ISSUE COS呢?
2 申请那一步律师说是“Premium Postal service“ , i.E. Passports may be returned within 1 week of them being received by the Home Office. Mid-way through the application process, you will be required to enrol your biometric data at one of the participating Post Offices in the UK.
请问下一般是SUBMIT 几周之后按指纹?我以前以为PREMIUM SERVICE 就是面签? 难道不是么?
3 律师说“I believe you would like to apply for your ILR after this extension – in this case we will put the end date on your CoS as the date five years from your initial Tier 2 which will enable you to apply in two years’ time when you’re eligible.”
我想问的是这个5年到底是从第一个T2 VALID DATE开始还是从the date i entered the UK under Tier 2 visa 开始呢? 我进入UK 是比valid date 晚了5天。
关于这个问题,我有问律师。 而且顺便问了下这次能不能直接给我ISSUE 一个3年的COS,得到的答复是“With regards to your ILR, you will take the initial date as 30/07/2012. ” 可是我不太放心啊。。 想向版上的达人们CONFIRM一下。
然后律师还说“So in this case we will put the end date on your CoS as the date five years from your initial Tier 2 which will enable you to apply in two years’ time when you’re eligible. Is there any reason why you would like three years?“ 我该怎么告诉他们我想要3年的VISA呢?

之前对TIER2 什么研究都没有,不懂啊。。 请教达人们! 谢谢先!

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

谢谢。。 可是我还是不知道该怎么回答他呀。。
Is there any reason why you would like three years?



谢谢你! 如果2,3 周之内就被叫去按指纹就太好了,因为我那段时间安排了旅游,所以怕自己不在英国。

律师说我们公司一般每年都是5月请他们做一次大规模的VISA REVIEW, 包括帮可以申PR的人弄申请 费用什么的也全包, 但是他们不DEAL WITH INDIVIDUAL CASE, 所以如果我第二次弄个3年的VISA的话5年后visa EXPIRE DATE还没到 公司不会INSTRUCT他们帮我弄新VISA OR PR,如果想那时申PR就得自己去弄,或者等到下一年的5月公司再请他们大规模的弄VISA的时候再帮我申PR。
“You will also need to be aware that if your Tier 2 is extended for three years, if you want to apply for ILR earlier than when we are instructed (approximately three months before your expiry date) when you are actually eligible – you will need to cover the costs of this.“
