
大家好,我2013年来到英国读的研究生,2014年读的第二个研究生,今年目前刚刚毕业找到了一个工作可以提供T2签证,想咨询一下像我这种情况想在工作第五年之后申请永居的话是需要限制我在这期间回国时间的,那么这个回国时间的累计是从拿到T2签证开始算起还是从2013年我刚到英国读研的时候算起呢? 谢谢大家~



Applications for settlement made
before 6 April 2016
Applications for settlement made
on or after 6 April 2016
You can include time between your
entry clearance being granted and
you entering the United Kingdom as
part of your continuous period but
only if the delay is less than 90 days.
Absences between the date entry
clearance is granted and the date you
enter the United Kingdom are not
treated as an absence from the
United Kingdom and do not form part
of the 180 days allowed within the
relevant 12 month period.
If the delay is more than 90 days, the
earliest date you can include in your
continuous period will be the date you
enter the United Kingdom.
You can include time between your
entry clearance being granted and
you entering the United Kingdom as
part of your continuous period.
Absences between the date entry
clearance is granted and the date you
enter the United Kingdom are treated
as an absence from the United
Kingdom and will form part of the 180
days allowed within the relevant 12
month period.
For example, if you entered the
United Kingdom 100 days after you
obtained entry clearance and have a
further 81 days absence during the
remainder of that 12 month period,
you will have exceed the number of
Tier 2 Policy Guidance (Version 11/2015) Page 62
absences permitted from the United




您好 英德,目前的一些新的移民政策和相关的政策倾向,有没有关于限制Tier2工签转永居的呢? 因为现在梅姨上台后很多关于移民政策的收紧信息,但是都不知道真假。。。。