

  1. 新工签申请时是否还需要重新考一次雅思来证明语言能力?
  2. 在以后换永居(ILR)时,是否需要重新计算工作满五年,还是说可以算上为前雇主工作的两年半?
  3. 在换工作时,是否要等新工签申请完毕(新BRP到手)之后再向现雇主发notice?一般工作离职都需要提前一两个月notice,是否就成了我拿着新雇主的BRP为前雇主工作了?这样是否违法?大家有没有什么建议的流程?(如果没等拿到新BRP就向现雇主提离职的话,万一Home Office效率低一些或因为某些原因新BRP最终没拿到,到时麻烦就大了。)
  1. 需要重新考一次雅思来证明语言能力
  2. 需要重新计算工作满五年
  3. 不是要等新工签申请完毕(新BRP到手)之后再向现雇主发notice。不能拿着新雇主的BRP为前雇主工作,这样违法!建议的流程就是不背叛现雇主,否则的话,如果没等拿到新BRP就向现雇主提离职的话,万一Home Office效率低一些或因为某些原因新BRP最终没拿到,到时麻烦就大了。


3)最安全的做法就是拿到新brp后再和现雇主辞职。但是你必须在新雇主start date前离职。


多谢各位的回复! 我来补充一下这两天的个人调研情况。(2018/01/11最新政策)

==== 关于英语考试 ====
最新的Tier2 PBS政策指导文件(Ref-1)中提到:
You will be awarded 10 points for English language where you have met the English language requirement in a previous grant of leave. This will be the case if you have ever been granted leave:

  • under the Tier 2 (General) category under the rules in place on or after 6 April 2011, having provided evidence of having a knowledge of English equivalent to level B1 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework for Language Learning or above;
    应该是说只要2011年4月后曾证明过英语达到B1的话(i.e. 目前的Tier2工签),换工作重新申请Tier2 General时就不用再重考了。

==== 关于工签转永居时连续时间的计算 ====

  • removes the Tier 2 rule covering gaps in employment of 60 days

==== 关于换工作的流程顺序的建议 ====
在最新的Tier2 PBS政策指导文件(Ref-1)中有提到:
It is recommended that you do not start work for your sponsor until you have received your biometric residence permit (BRP). However, on the basis of your approval letter, if you and your sponsor agree you can start work before you have your BRP, both you and your sponsor carry the risk of having no statutory excuse against a civil penalty if the BRP card is incorrect or withdrawn by us. You can continue working for your previous sponsor until the start date on your new Certificate of Sponsorship, provided your previous leave has not expired.
应该是说在新白 Certificate of Sponsorship下来之前,先继续给旧雇主打工,等收到通知CoS没问题了再辞职。

也许上面的表述并没有直接与永居挂勾。但下面这一段就有直接的关系了: (还是Ref-1的内容)
If any of your absences are in connection with employment you will need to provide a letter from the relevant employer detailing the purpose and period of absences, including periods of annual leave.
You will need to provide this information for the full 5 year continuous period. Therefore, if you are moving employers and are considering applying for settlement in the future, you may wish to request a letter detailing your absences before you move to your new post. If you are unable to obtain a letter as specified in the Immigration Rules, because your previous employer has ceased to exist for example, you should confirm this in writing when you make your application. The caseworker who considers your application will assess this on a case by case basis.


  1. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/673762/Tier_2_Policy_Guidance_01_2018__2_.pdf
  2. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/675919/Calculating-continuous-leave-v16.0EXT.PDF

T2 路线签证 最多总共只能 6年。 你若换雇主,有gap再熬5年不现实。


我现在工作的notice period是三个月,这个如果拿到新的BRP能提前离职吗?


亲身案例,续签完后,持有T2新brp但是还是为旧雇主工作一直到履行完notice period

感谢分享!请问换了雇主的t2申请算是make a new application的话,是不是min salary直接按照对应soc里的experienced worker标准就行?不需要满足30k?