T2 拿到后 工资降低咋办

T2 如果老板同意现在加工资,但是签证完后,再恢复原来的工资,这个怎么办啊,会影响到重新签证吗?



啊? 不能低于20k 哦, 我现在的工资低于20k, 看来没有戏了 如果签完后恢复到这个工资的话。 那有没有可能续签的时候再涨到20k 去签证呢



问题其实不在你续签之前恢复工资行不行,而是你根本就不能减工资。其实大部分在这里发问的同学去好好读UK border Agency的tier 2 policy guidance, 问题的答案都是有的。

看policy guidance的Part 11: Whilst you are in the UK under Tier 2
看Change of employment applications这一section
198. You must also make a change of employment application if you are remaining with the
same employer but:
• there is a change to your core duties which means you change jobs to a different Standard
Occupational Classification (SOC) code.; or
• you are remaining with the same sponsor but there is a change to your core duties which
means you change jobs from a job which is currently on the shortage occupation list to a job
which is not on the shortage occupation list; or
• your pay reduces from the level indicated on your current Certificate of Sponsorship or
current work permit, other than changes due to company-wide reductions defined as
acceptable in the Sponsor Guidance, or reductions due to maternity or adoption leave.

注意第三项,工资降低是不行的,只能涨(这个在199条),否则你的certificate of sponsorship和你的tier 2 visa就要重新申请。

关于Change of employment applications在第200条解释:

  1. A change of employment application is treated the same as an initial application. You must
    have a new Certificate of Sponsorship and you must meet all the points requirements, which
    may include your sponsor carrying out a new resident labour market test. A resident labour
    market test will not be required if you are applying as an Intra Company Transfer (continuing to
    work for the same company) or for a job which is a shortage occupation.


如果拿到签证后雇主给你减工资那就是违反了tier2 sponsor的条例了,要被吊销sponsor licence,同时你的tier 2签证也就无效了