英文好,比较清楚政策的帮忙看下:T4 转 dependent of T1 entrepreneur

谢谢回复,看来是必须回国,但是有没有guidance or notes 文字说明了,必须回国呢? 谢谢帮忙了。

which guidance or notes tells you that I have to go back to PRC to switch dependent visa?

sigh,看来好多人都不明白什么叫entry clearance啊 :cn01:

Entry clearance is the procedure used by Entry Clearance Officers (ECOs) at British missions overseas to check, before a person arrives in the UK, if that person qualifies under the Immigration Rules for entry to the UK.
简单来说,所有的entry clearance都是海外申请成功后grant的,而entry clearance可以是t1 t2 t4 t5中的任何一个申请。

回到pbs dependent回国申请的问题上,pbs下,从非family route(独立持有t1 t2 t4的migrant)转入family route(dependent),在immigration rules上明确的写出了
(h) An applicant who is applying for leave to remain, must have, or have last been granted, leave:

(i) as the Partner of a Relevant Points Based System Migrant,

(ii) as the spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of a person with leave under another category of these Rules who has since been granted, or is, at the same time, being granted leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant, or

(iii) in any other category of these Rules, provided the Relevant Points Based System Migrant has, or is being granted, leave to remain as a Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) Migrant in the creative and sporting subcategory on the basis of having met the requirement at paragraph 245ZQ(b)(ii).
这里就要注意leave to enter 和 leave to remain的区别了,前者是从海外进入uk,在后者就是通常意义下的英国境内续签,所以上面的rules就是明确在说,如果想申请leave to remain as dependent,那么前提就是此人已经在该route上了,否则就不能申请leave to remain,那自然就是说需要回国申请entry clearance。。。。。

以上 {:5_147:}



谢谢你的回答。请问一下我这种情况配偶是否可以和我一起在英国续签tier 1 entrepreneur

我持有student visa,我的leave to remain是2008年引入pbs之前在英国境内签的student visa;我的配偶2008年同时在英国拿到student dependant visa。

我们现在想转成tier 1 entrepreneur,不知道这种情况我的配偶能不能在英国switch。

现在不是很确定主要是因为我们的visa都不是在point based system下的,而是之前还没有pbs时旧的student category。

就是说你是旧的general student visa,配偶是dependent visa。
那么如果是你转为t1 e,配偶转t1 e dependent的话,即使是pbs下,你们也不用回国申请,因为新旧student都可以境内转t1 e,已经在dependent route上的配偶也可以依旧以配偶身份转。
但要是你配偶出头签t1 e,而你转t1 e dependent的话,那么似乎你们还是都要回国转(有待于参照对应immigration rules)。


是我从旧的general student visa转成tier 1 entrepreneur,配偶还在dependant route,只是从student dependant转成t1e dependant。

不论是t1,2 ,4, 如果第一次转成陪同,必须回国签。 你老公是dependent, 他转t1 也必须会回国签。。所以,你也需要回国跟他一起申请,转成他的陪同。