英文好,比较清楚政策的帮忙看下:T4 转 dependent of T1 entrepreneur

请问大家, 老公正准备回国办理 dependent of T4 student 转 T1 enterpreneur。估计明年1月份之前能办理下来。 我准备明年2月份办理 T4 转 dependent of T1 enterpreneur. 这种情况下,我必须回国办理么?如果必须回国办理签证,我必须提供我的户口本么?看到网上有人说可以不提供户口本。。。


‘Switching’ or moving into the route for Family Members Tier 1, 2 and 5 migrants

  1. For family members of Tier 1, 2, and 5 applicants, switching is permitted when applying as:
    • a family member who has or last had entry clearance or leave to remain as the partner or child
    of a person who had leave under another category and who has since been granted, or is, at the
    same time, being granted leave to remain as a relevant Points Based System migrant; or
    • a child born in the UK to a PBS migrant and their dependant partner

红字部分是不是说明我已经具有entry clearance (我现在是学生签证), 不需要回国,可以在UK switch?





需要户口本。 和户口本翻译

如果你申请前,依然有uk visa有效的leave to remain,可以提供英国的警察局注册信,不需要国内户口本。。(已经有人成功签出。所以没有问题的。)


你LG,从dependant转Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) ,必须回国申请


29. For family members of Tier 1, 2, and 5 applicants, switching is permitted when applying as:
• a family member who has or last had entry clearance or。。。。。。这些是并列关系,不是满足一条就可以switch? switch指的就是在英国换签证,不需要回国?

你好,dependent转T1 entre必须回国这个我能找到链接。 T4转T1的dependent 有没有documents可以参考呢?

谢谢回复,我人在英国,有警察注册信息,户口本对于我有点难度。 有没有相关链接可以参考?我在填写dependent申请表的时候没发现必须提供户口本的要求呢?

29. For family members of Tier 1, 2, and 5 applicants, switching is permitted when applying as:
• a family member who has or last had entry clearance

这个怎么解释呢? 不可以switch么?我已经有entre clearance了吧(T4 visa)

as the partner or child of a person。。。。
你目前的签证不是 as the partner or child of a person

谢谢回复,我目前确实不是as the partner ,我是T4, 老公是dependent,但是老公马上回国签T1,我想T4转T1dependent。我T4签证是不是具有entry clearance呢? 我满足a family member who has or last had entry clearance?2者只要满足1点就可以switch么?

从别的签证switch到dependent或者从dependent switch到别的签证都得回中国申请。唯一的例外是dependent可以在英国转t2工作签证。

t4是entry clearance。
如果满足a family member who has or last had entry clearance就可以的话,dependent签证就都不用回国签了。合法待英国的都有entry clearance。

a family member who has or last had(并列关系) entry clearance or leave to remain(并列关系) as重点 the partner or child of a person who had leave under another category and who has since been granted, or is, at the same time, being granted leave to remain as a relevant Points Based System migrant; or

你必须回国的,户口本不是必须的 但是我交了

T4 转T4 的dependent的貌似不用回国办理吧?

谢谢回复,都说必须回国,但是有没有guidance or notes说明了,必须回国呢? 谢谢帮忙了。