
大家好,本人现在重读大一,但看到Home Office上7月出台的新政策上好像T4不适用于重读的学生了,意思是重读不能再续签了吗?

If a Tier 4 (General) student has a CAS that was assigned on or after 4 July 2011, and he/she has previously had permission to stay as a Tier 4 (General) Student (or under the student rules that were in force before 31 March 2009), a Tier 4 Sponsor can only give the him/her a CAS for a new course if that new course represents academic progress from his/her previous study (for example the student will be studying for a new qualification at a higher academic level – for instance moving from a course at NQF 6 to one at NQF 7 -, or study at the same academic level that complements or enhances previous study at the same level). The only exception to this is where a Tier 4 (General) student is:

re-sitting examinations or repeating modules, or

making a first application to move to a new institution to complete a course commenced elsewhere


As stated above, you will be fine. You started a new course which is the same level as before. I don’t think it will be a problem. If you are not sure, please contact the universtiy staff who is in charge of this kind of issue. Good luck