tax adviser推荐已经租房包税问题

投资一套小房子出租,没有贷款,户主为我和老公两个人,老公为高收入者,我没有工作。是否可以成立一个公司作为房屋中介公司来出租房产,我作为公司员工每月从公司领工资,这种做法是否可行?另外能否推荐可靠tax adviser,私信发我?谢谢

一套房不划算,business tax rate 20%,不如房租算你收入交税还有11k免税额。只要房产证上有你的名字(1%都可以),100%房租就可以算你的收入。我曾经问过会计,只要个人收入不到4w5,开公司都不划算。




只要DEED上有你的名字,百分之多少都可以,租房的时候landlord写你一个人,房租入你个人账号上(joint account比较麻烦),就可以算你个人收入,记得每年填self assessment tax,你老公不用declare。人在不在英国都可以。但是卖房的时候,capital gain tax是要看百分比的。



MARRIED couples often transfer properties and other assets to each other to save income tax and capital gains tax.

If a husband transfers a rental property (or a share in a property) to his wife there is no capital gains tax payable on the transfer.

The couple may then be able to pay less income tax on the rental income (if the wife has a lower income tax rate than her husband) and will also be able to pay less capital gains tax when the property is eventually sold.


不可以,房租收入分配是根据你所占ownership 的份额来算的,网络上写得很清楚


You are right, 夫妻共有房他们懒得查是因为互相gift非常简单,写封信就好。


这个问题我研究过,楼上的说法不对。夫妻之间要按实际的占有比例报税。还要填一个Form17给Hmrc报备。 楼主没有贷款,完全可以把房子转到老婆名下,这样房租就可以报在一个人头上。 如果有贷款的话,就算是夫妻之间赠与,也有可能要交Stamp duty。



Everything is crystal clear on official government website! {:5_134:}

Property jointly owned with spouse or civil partner

Property jointly owned by married couples and civil partners who live together will be taxed in equal shares, unless you decide to split ownership differently.

If you own the property in different shares, you can use a different split. If you own the property in unequal shares, and are entitled to the income in the same unequal shares, the income can be taxed on that basis. You both need to notify HMRC.

楼上说法是正确的,但是Form 17只适用于tenants in common的情况。如果是joint tenants,那么需要先改成tenants in common才可以使用Form 17。