Tier 1 entrepreneur 申请表问题!急!谢谢大家了!

SECTION D, 下面的问题是指我上一次入境英国还是第一次入境的信息啊?如果是第一次入境,那都是N年前了,哪里还知道ticket booking or reference number, and transport operator的信息啊? 大家都怎么填的,谢谢了!

D6. At which port did the applicant enter the United Kingdom?

D7. How did the applicant enter the United Kingdom?
By air By sea By channel tunnel

D8. Give details of the journey, including where the applicant travelled from, ticket booking or
reference number, and transport operator.

D9. For what purpose did the applicant enter the United Kingdom?

对了,还有那个B11, 大家有填吗?

B11. Home Office reference number(s) (if known):


D5. Are either the applicant’s current and/or any one of his/her previous passport(s) or travel
document(s) that he/she has used to travel to, and remain in, the United Kingdom which
shows his/her current leave unavailable?

Yes - go to question D6
No - go to question D11


B11 如果你不知道的话就不用填,应该没问题。
