请问Tier 1(Entrepreneur)开公司或自雇必须是三个月内注册的吗?

我的PSW签证快过期了,五月份打算申请Tier 1(E),查了一下Policy条件基本上都满足,唯一有一点不确定的是Policy上面要求注册公司或者自雇必须是在三个月以内注册的,见2013年1月版第7页表格:
You (iii) were, on a date no earlier than three months prior to the date of application,
(1) registered with HM revenue and Customs as self-employed, or (2) registered a new business in which you are a director, or (3) registered as a director of an existing business


You must have been registered as self-employed or a director of a business within the
last 3 months before submitting your application as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur). If you were registered earlier than this you will still need to provide evidence that you were registered in this period.

这样的话好像不是三个月内注册的也可以,这个policy本身说得也比较含糊,打电话问home office的人他们也解释不清楚 :dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: 请问有没有开公司或者自雇超过三个月申请成功Tier 1(E)的case可以分享一下。。。欢迎讨论 !



有人对UKBA作出freedom of information 提问 UKBA 是这样回答得
Applicants who can demonstrate that they have been registered longer than 3 months prior to their application will also meet these requirements providing they can supply evidence dated within the 3 month period prior to the submission of the application showing their registration was still valid. The Immigration Rules and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) published guidance provides a list of specified evidence a migrant can supply in order to demonstrate they meet this criteria.
Full details of the evidential requirements can be found in the current published guidance from paragraph 114 onwards.


这个条文不是要求你公司是申请前3个月内申请,所以不用担心。PSW转5万镑的基本要求是资金、生活费、语言、公司已经成立并且已经运营并提供营运证据、而且要求你担任的职位符合UKBA规定的graduate level。


我08年12月就那psw 注册自雇了 然后10年5月拿的Tier 1 (e) 20W 今年5月就到期了,其他条件我都达到了。现在正在为这个烦呢。问了几个中介说有点麻烦,问我的会计师他说如果我们以前已经注册过自雇税务局就不用再通知了,就算我们在注册一次他们也不会出具任何信件。 现在我真有点小担心, 10月我就可以转十年了,就差这几个月