新的tier 2转永居的35000年薪要求是基于多少小时工作时间的?

请问论坛的大神们,我仔细读了Codes of Practice for Skilled Workers,发现里面对应SoC的工资要求绝大多数情况下是基于每周工作39小时的,我想问一下那这个永居35000磅的年薪要求是基于多少小时的呢?我在今年最新的Tier 2 of the Points Based System – Policy Guidance里没有找到任何地方说这个到底是基于39小时还是37.5小时的?


The rates are based on a 39-hour working week for all occupations where the salary source used is the
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.
Where other salary sources are used, please note that the rates are based on the following weekly
 Where the source is NHS Agenda for Change or the Royal Institute of British Architects, a 37.5-
hour week;
 Where the source is teachers’ national pay scales, the definition of a full-time teacher is used
when determining those pay scales;
 Where the source is the National Grid submission to the Migration Advisory Committee, a 37-
hour week;
 In all other cases, a 40-hour week.

这个是title code上面写的,不知道永居的情况没有写,但是感觉应该是一样的吧。


我也感觉是一样的。我也算好好读了读SoC和tier 2 guidance了,硬是没找到明确答案,所以不能确定。

既然是永居的要求,你在t2 guidance里面自然是找不到的:

Minimum earnings threshold

You must provide proof that you earn £35,000 a year or more (the ‘minimum earnings threshold’) in the main job you’re sponsored for.

If you’re paid hourly, you can only count what you’re paid for up to 48 hours a week to calculate your earnings.

谢谢回复.我也找到你说的那段要求了. 但是这里的35000磅还是没有写清是基于一周多少小时的工作啊.
