Tier 2 bank statement的问题

我是准备从Tier 4转到Tier 2的,签证在14年1月底过期。现在遇到的问题是我英国的账户上要存够90天要等到1月23号左右,可是那时候学生签证快到期了。不过我看到UKBA的guideline上写可以用联名的账户。那么我可以用在国内的联名账户去做申请吗?求解答,谢谢各位了~~~~~



让你的雇主写会负责你的maintenance 不是更简单吗
就不用给bank statement 了




恩恩,打算面签的~有什么情况也可以马上知道。 谢谢了

Alternatively, you will score 10 points if you can provide evidence that:

you have £900 in personal savings, excluding overdraft facilities, which has been in your bank account for a continuous 90-day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application; or
your sponsor has an A rating and has confirmed in your certificate of sponsorship that it will maintain and accommodate you (to a level of £900 or more) until the end of your first month of employment in the UK if required.

只要在签证到期前递出去的申请之后的时间都算是合理停留时间 还是1月23去递交就好了