政府将会继续收紧non-EU worker来英 工作的关卡,或提高Tier 2 签证的工资要求,或限制Tier 2 dependent的 工作权利。如果真的实行多少Tier 2 的家庭受影响。希望不会一刀切吧,比如2017 年开始 新申请的Tier 2 的dependent 不能工作或者指定最低工资门槛的工作,已经在英并工作的dependent 不受影响? 似乎这样会比较合理不然本来工作着的续签时突然不能工作多SB阿。
虽然这个只是建议,但是根据之前保守党fail 了移民控制target, 真的可能会开刀 。 说原则是保证英国吸引尽可能多的high skills workers,保证低种 工作就业机会留给本地英国人。
As part of the Taskforce’s commission, the government has asked the MAC to consider:
options to re-focus the route on areas where there are genuine skills shortages or require highly-specialised experts
how to limit the time that sectors are deemed to be in shortage
the implementation of a levy on Tier 2 visas, to fund apprenticeships
restrictions on the automatic right of Tier 2 dependants to work
tightening up on the intra company transferee (ICT) route, including applying the immigration health surcharge to ICTs
raising the minimum salary levels that economic migrants have to be paid