解决了,谢谢大家!!Tier 2在线申请要求提供“English speaking country"的证明????


Tier2 的表填完以后,有个checklist,显示需要的supporting documents.其中有一项是

“Evidence that you are a national of a majority English speaking country. One of the following documents must be submitted.”

我觉得应该是和English Language Section里面这个问题关联的

"How will you show that you meet the English language requirement at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference? *
I have a qualification, at least equivalent to a UK Bachelor’s degree, taught in English
I have passed an English Language test
Evidence previously submitted/considered to automatically meet
I am a national of a listed majority English Speaking country"

问题是我没有选我是 English Speaking country的啊,怎么还是要我提供啊?



你没看问题么,One of the following documents must be submitted。


I have a qualification, at least equivalent to a UK Bachelor’s degree, taught in English - 这个是英国的学位。

I have passed an English Language test - 这个是已经通过的英语证书考试。

Evidence previously submitted/considered to automatically meet - 之前申请中已经提供过的证明。

额。。。貌似我的解释不是很清楚,checklist里要的是Evidence that you are a national of a majority English speaking country. One of the following documents must be submitted.
Current national identity document* Yes No
Original letter from your home government or embassy confirming your nationality* Yes No

“How will you show that you meet the English language requirement at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference? *
I have a qualification, at least equivalent to a UK Bachelor’s degree, taught in English
I have passed an English Language test
Evidence previously submitted/considered to automatically meet
I am a national of a listed majority English Speaking country”




首先你要弄清楚在Page 64,Evidence of English Language是一个大项,之后Evidence that you are a national of a majority English speaking country是一个选项,如果你通过这个选项达到英语要求,才需要提供这些国家的国籍身份一类的文件;

如果你是通过其他途径达到英语要求,比如Evidence that you have passed English language test awarded by Cambridge ESOL、Evidence that you have a qualification taught in English、Evidence that you have a qualification taught in English等等,这些都属于Evidence of English Language这一个大项之后的选项,它们和Evidence that you are a national of a majority English speaking country都是同属Evidence of English Language之下的,你只需符合其中的一个,并提供相应的文件,就可以了。



恩 明白你的意思,非常感谢这么详细的回复!!

我不明白的是,假如我填了我有 passed English language test - IELTS,那checklist里会有要求提供IELTS(刚测试过),但我没有选national of Eng Speaking Country,checklist里还是要提供,很奇怪不是吗?


已经发邮件给technical support了,看他们怎么说,如果他们回复了我会贴上来的。


额。。。好吧:cn14: 确实比较纠结,最近政策这么恶心,不好让他们抓到把柄啊:cn18:




下面是UKBA Technical Team 的回复:


Thank you for your further email.

It appears that there may be an issue with this section of the online form, therefore we have forwarded your email to our technical team for investigation.

In the meantime, in order for you to submit your application today please include a short covering letter with your Cover Sheet and supporting documents explaining the situation, ensuring that you include the relevant documents in your case.

Kind regards
Apply Online E-Support Team