我以tier 2 dependant 身份从去年6月工作至今, 现在的公司在给我申请tier 2 general签证,回国前这个是无法避免的,但公司用的中介一定要我做TB测试,
官网上的说明我应该不用, https://www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa/overview
Who doesn’t need to be tested
You won’t need a TB test if any of the following apply:
you lived for at least 6 months in a country where TB screening is not required by the UK, and you’ve been away from that country for no more than 6 months
我都发了这个链接说明给中介了,可她坚持说immigration rule里没有这一条,无语, 还是某国际大牌中介
不想再去吃X光, 关键还只能在国内做,浪费一天时间,中介是怕我没有tb test 证书, case worker 不分青红皂白给拒了吗?