各位请帮帮忙解答。我和10岁的孩子一起申请tier 2 3年的签证,我的签证成功了,但是她的签证却被拒了。理由是根据 paragraph 319 immigration rules, 必须(f) Both of the applicant’s parents must either be lawfully present in the UK, or being granted entry clearance or leave to remain at the same time as the applicant or one parent must be lawfully present in the UK and the other is being granted entry clearance or leave to remain at the same time as the applicant。
因为孩子的爸爸目前不能去英国,所以我是自己申请带着孩子去的。请问这个情况之下有什么办法可以解决?如果申请复议可以有什么理由呢?如果重新提交申请,如何证明以下的第三种情况,即serious or compelling or other considerations? 孩子的爸爸眼睛不太好,是不是可以作为(iii)的理由提出重新申请?以下(ii)第二种的情况是不是只有离婚的有监护权的父/母才可以?
(i) The Relevant Points Based System Migrant is the applicant’s sole surviving parent, or
(ii) The Relevant Points Based System Migrant parent has and has had sole responsibility for the applicant’s upbringing, or
(iii) there are serious or compelling family or other considerations which would make it desirable not to refuse the application and suitable arrangements have been made in the UK for the applicant’s care.