Tier 2 Part Time in different employer

求助!!!我已经是Tier 2工作签证(change of employment),但是现在原雇主联系我希望我以part time形式为原公司工作。他们希望以contractor形式,每周不超过20小时。而且现在的工作和原先的工作(原雇主希望我工作的职位)是同一个job code,但不同的sponsor,请问我能否可以每周不超过20小时的工作而不用通知Home Office?

Tier 2 Guideline上面有说
Supplementary employment
227.You do not need to inform us of any supplementary employment, as long as it is:
 in either a job which is included on the Shortage Occupation List in Appendix K of the
Immigration Rules or a job in the same profession and at the same professional level as
the work for which your Certificate of Sponsorship was assigned; and
 no more than 20 hours per week; and
 outside of the normal working hours for which your Certificate of Sponsorship was
In addition, you must continue to work for your sponsor in the job recorded on your Certificate
of Sponsorship.

我的问题是关于 in the same profession and at the same professional level是指必须在同一个公司还是可以是不同公司但同样职位?


