Tier 2 换雇主serve notice问题

为了保险起见,我想先拿到新签证后再给老雇主notice,并serve notice 直到新工作的cos start date.
请问这样可行么?有说行的,有说不行的,很蒙圈,请有经验的大神赐教!!拜托了!:polite: :polite: :polite:



别人说什么都不如自己读Home office的文件有用

我去年九月申请的时候记得有看到关于这个,印象中说的是就算拿到新签证,到cos start date 之前都可以给旧雇主工作。最保险的是自己好好读读ho的规定

Tier 2 Policy Guidance (Version 08/2014) - Page 48 of 63

  1. It is recommended that you do not commence employment until you have received your
    biometric residence permit (BRP). However, on the basis of your approval letter, if you
    and your sponsor agree to commence the employment before you have your BRP, both
    you and your sponsor carry the risk of having no statutory excuse against a civil penalty if
    the BRP card is incorrect or withdrawn by us. You can continue working for your previous
    sponsor until the start date on your new Certificate of Sponsorship, provided your previous
    leave has not expired.

感谢楼上两位的回复!谢谢camhou mm特意找出原文给我!:polite: