Tier 2 Visa Granted. No BRP yet. Can I Drop Out of MSc?

My tier-2 in-country application (switch from tier-4) has been approved. I have yet received my BRP. I applied with my UK undergraduate qualification and I am currently doing a MSc. I’ve been wanting to drop out for a while but couldn’t as I was waiting to receive my Tier 2.

Am I now officially on a tier 2 visa or am I still on a tier 4 visa? The approval letter says my previous (tier 4) BRP has been detained and destroyed as it is no longer valid so I’m assuming my tier 4 visa is no longer valid? Thanks!

You must withdraw from your MSc study immediately. Otherwise you would breach your immigration conditions, as you cannot be a full-time student under a tier-2 visa.

Thank you for your reply. My MSc course officially ended on the 1st of September but I’m not planning on submitting my dissertation. I was advised by my sponsor to drop out after I receive my tier 2 but they haven’t told me if that means tier 2 approval.

And the LSE Tier 2 guideline says You can study in the UK under Tier 2 (General) as long as you continue to work for your employer. It is advisable to check that your employer is happy for you to study while working for them.

You have switched to Tier 2 on the date of approval, rather than the date you receive your BRP card.

Therefore, you are now subject to Tier 2 conditions, rather than Tier 4 conditions.

Yes, it is fine if you could get a confirmation from your Tier 2 sponsor that they are happy with your study and your study doesn’t interfere with the job. I highly doubt they would confirm this.

跟你BRP到没到没关系 签证下来了你滞留类别就变了 毕业论文交不交的跟这个也没关系