tier 2换工作问题,懂得拜托进来指教呀!!

还有,我刚刚看了一下重新登的广告,联系方式直接写的是那个中介的email!这个不是更明显么?会不会有问题啊!而且他们能再不靠谱些么,我看重新登的广告居然写了refer to xxx cv,那个xxx就是我的surname。。。我赶紧联系让删了

是这样的,大概五月底的时候我拿到一个offer,但是公司还没有作market test,所以就等了28天,在job centre plus上面登广告(这个时候没有找签证公司),上个星期到期。

可是现在有问题了,找的帮我办签证的签证公司说做的那个广告太vague,没有很specific,home office很可能要拒签,所以建议新公司重新登广告,于是还要再等28天。可是我的情况是我房子已经退租了,七月底就不能住了。。。因为原本打算八月份就能relocate了。我很可能还要找个短期住宿住一个月。


我可不可以让公司试着先用现有的test申请number,下不来再用新的test?这样home office会不会留纪录?知道已经决定了雇佣谁了,然后再来做这个test的?我现在觉得是签证公司想要赚钱所以故意要重做一次,因为第一次是没有找他们做的。这个test home office拒的可能性大么?

还有就是,现在新公司说帮我用premier service,十天签证就可以下来(不知道home office会不会拒签),那我等于说还要等28+10天,理论上来说新公司就可以入职了。可是签证下来了,我现在的公司是不是就不能工作了?这样的话我notice期又不够,那我需要现在递辞职,然后正好一个月到新公司上班?这样的风险就是,万一被拒,我就没有签证没有公司了。虽然我感觉拒签的可能性应该不大吧?


我刚拿着tier2换的 我理解的test是申请cos用的 但至于那个中介说的问题我不太清楚 因为我的广告和他们招我时在行业内部的广告一样 还是比较细致的 所以不大清楚这个状况
Notice的问题:不建议现在给notice, 我是拿到签证马上通知公司 马上协商short notice 然后就直接离职了。 还有很多人说即使你拿到了新签证 只要提出离职 home office是允许你服务完notice period的,因为我的新公司经常挖人,所以hr见过很多这样的实例,但我没有跟真正这样做的人证实过,请小心尝试。这方面确实规定的不清不楚的,打电话到ho的咨询中心他们也不太清楚这个问题。但按说你的notice period是受法律保护的,ho应该无法干涉和提出质疑,这是我的hr给我解释的。

不建议你现在给notice是一旦中间有延时之类的问题 很可能你四周内无法入职 那你中间就算无工作状态了。

the process is the home office will check the information from your company account such as AD or others, then they will issue a COS number to the company , so when you switch your visa from home office they do not need to check your AD just check your COS number , it is very hard to take this risk ,but even your AD is vague if no one else to fit the post you should be the one , because company should give the reason to why employ you , so it is really up to you to decide if you want to go ahead or do the AD again

在公司给你发COS的时候,需要列明你的岗位职责以及相关的广告信息,移民局有权核实你们提供的信息。如果,移民局对你的申请进行审核,发现广告做的不够具体,确实会因为labour market test不合格而拒签。签证公司是也是发现问题给你支出。当然你也可以不接受,去拼运气,反正责任是你雇主的,以后移民局核查雇主的担保牌照,如果发现什么问题,吊销拍照的话,也是他们担着,你最多再换雇主了。呵呵。




没有那么严重吧:cn03: 公司是用当时招聘用的广告来登的,上面有岗位,职位描述和要求,都有,我也是通过这个流程招聘进来的,也不是说我通过关系找到这份工作。我很感激公司愿意给我提供签证,只是觉得重新登的广告就是按照我的简历重新稍微修饰了一下,大致内容还是一样的!







我也是这样想的。根本不需要他们弄啊。可是现在是卡在做labour market test上!

Be patient it take s me 3moths to switch the visa
Just ask the company to follow the home office if your company want you there is no problem to switch the visa
Most of British company will keep the people once they decide to employ you so do not worry
Just keep contacting with your future employer it would be fine !

Thanks so much for the kindly word!

I am just worried that the visa will have problems! Hopefully everything will be sorted!

It take time to sort it out my company failed first time because they do not give the document within 15days
Just follow the process eventually you will get the result I know the process is painful to reduce that it is better to know
The process than anyone else if you meet home office 'requirment it ll be fine it is better to inform your current employer after switch visa most of company will be fine even the boss you probably hate hh

By the way no need to look for solicitor to help
Once company give you the cos you can book appointment with home office you need at least 3months pay slips and bank statement that is main thing you need to prepare

3 month pay slip? the visa service is used by the new company. I know it shouldn’t be difficult to get the visa myself as long as I got the CoS. But I think the pay slip only applies if you are still employed by the same company?
