Tier 2 工作签证雇主公司兼并购如何处理?

目前雇主公司要被收购,母公司名字理论上要变化了,公司都是大规模的知名公司,Tier 2 General 工作签证是否要通知HO这一变化?是否要变化雇主License甚至重新申请签证?


建议你查下TUPE transfer,查明白后,来给大家普及一下啊




If your sponsor is taken over

If your sponsor is taken over by another organisation and/or there is a transfer of employment, the new employer must apply to become a licensed sponsor within 28 calendar days of taking over the business.

If your new employer does not apply for a licence, we will limit your permission to stay to 60 days. You may want to apply for permission to stay with another sponsor. We will not limit your permission to stay if you have less than 6 months left.

If your new employer does not get a licence, then any certificate of sponsorship they issued is invalid.

不过还有个问题是这个28天的“taking over the business“具体怎么算,是并购的completion date吧?(不是announce date或者其他啥的)


  1. A change of employment application is not required for other changes to your job. For
    example if:
    • you are remaining with the same employer and change jobs to a different job within the
    same SOC code, or you are moving under TUPE (or similar) protection due to a takeover,
    merger, de-merger or any other circumstances in which TUPE is triggered.


是completion date的,不可能是announcement date,那个时候legal entity都还没有变呀